Novum studium exponit fallaciis de 'quassatas capillos `

Ask a coetus mulierum quod eorum maximus spectat est cum fit ad capillos, et youll probabiliter respondere, "laedi." Quia inter bellandum, lavare et centralis calefactio, pretiosi metas habent aliquid pugnare contra.
Sed sunt alia fabulas ut bene. While more than seven out of 10 people believe our hair is damaged by hair loss and dandruff, for example, there is a collective misunderstanding of what constitutes “damage,” according to Dyson's new global hair study.
“Dandruff, hair loss and gray hair are not forms of damage, but problems of the scalp and hair growth,” explained Dyson Senior Researcher Rob Smith. "Capillos damnum est exitium capillos cuticula et cortex, quod potest facere vobis capillus vultus Frizzy, hebes, aut fragilis."
Unum ex facillimus via ad reprehendo si vestri capillos est vere laedi est ut a litus capillos inter digitos et leniter trahere in extremis; Si de tertio longitudinis capilli non laedi.
Si lacrimis et non redire ad originale longitudo, sic siccatio et / vel damnum.
Factum: Secundum Dyson scriptor novum global capillos studiis, octo ex decem lava capillos cotidie. Dum subiectiva sententia pendent in vestri capillos type et environment, hoc potest esse unum de realis damnum reus.
"Overwashing potest esse admodum nocivis, expoliantes vestri cutem naturalis olea dum siccatio capillos," says Smith. "In generali, magis olea capillos et capillo, magis saepe potes lavabit capillos. Hair. Recta capillos sentire mollior extra. " - Nam cumulus adipem, cum undulatis, crispus et crispis hauturet oleum et requirere minus baptismata.
“Given the level of pollution in the environment, also wash the pollution out of the hair, as the combination of pollution and ultraviolet elements can lead to increased levels of damage to the hair,” adds Smith. You can do this by incorporating a weekly scalp scrub into your routine. Respice ad products quod purgo vel intus stupam tuum cutem sine usura dura acida, ut detractas naturalis olea.
Larry, Dyson Global Hair Ambassador, said: “When creating curls or smoothing out kinky, textured or frizzy hair, be sure to use a wet or dry styler like the Dyson Airwrap that doesn't use too much heat so it can be as effective as possible. luceat et salubrius capillos. " Regem.

Si vos es usura scelerisque texts tool, vos should etiam uti plana perterget parce. "Cum erigens capillos, suus 'optimus ut utor a plana penicillo ad aerem per capillos, leviginem et addendo," adiungit regem.

Post tempus: Nov-03-2022