Ungula putator aufert lapides et cochleis pecoribus ungulas

- My name is Nate Ranallo and I do hoof trimming. I am going to show you how to remove stones and screws from cow legs. Ego maxime boves tondendas.

Ipsumque bovem in loco posuimus basically ut eam in uno loco servaret ne circumageret. Adiuva nos tuto crus levare et illud tractare ut illud non moveat. Potest adhuc movere, sed solum nobis dat tutiorem environment ad operandum cum molibus et cultellis nostris. Acerrimis instrumentis agimus, ut hoc crus adhuc in eo operantes manere velimus.
So, in front of us is a cow stepping on a propeller. At this point, I'm not too sure how deep this screw is embedded. So this is what I had to investigate. Nocet hic? Estne longa cochlea per ungulam capsulam in dermis, an problema tantum medicamen est?
Anatomia fundamentalis ungulae bovis, structuram exteriorem quam quisque videt, vidisti. Ungula capsula est, pars dura calcant. But right below it is a layer called the dermis on the sole of the foot. That's what creates the soles of the feet, the soles of the feet. Quod volo facere, est pedem reformare et angulum pedis ad normalem reducere. This is what makes them comfortable. Ita plane ut cum hominibus, si plana incommoda gestamus calceos, in pedibus sentire potes. Fere statim hanc molestiam sentire potes. Idem valet de vaccis.
Itaque cum aliquid simile hoc invenero, primum illud facio quod nugas circum illud purgare conantur. Hic utor ungula cultelli. Quod ego facio, id cochleae arripere conaris et vide si plenum est, quam bene convenit in crure, et si possim actu ungulam ungulae cultelli exire.
Nunc igitur eo utendum forcipe hanc stupra exsequi. Causa hoc egi, quia nimis inculta erat ad tollendum ungulam cultello. Opprimere nolo, quia hic non sum certus si iaculatus est. Videre potes circiter tres partes pollicis ad sinistram huius cochleae. Suus 'pulchellus magnus stupra'. Si in omnem viam, certum damnum faciam. From what's left, I don't think so. Sola quaestio est, an plus huic crure discamus via.
Quod utar pro ungulam torulo est actu 4.5″ angulus molaris cum speciali designato capite secans quod ungulas rasuras abradit. Hoc ergo quod feci hic ungula tantum submissiora est ad efficiendum ungulam naturalem quae indiget. Patet, non tam molentis quam cultello operari. Ad omnia igitur, quae multum sollertia requirit, aut ubi diligentius in rebus tangendis esse debes, cultello utar, quia cum eo accuratius possum. As for creating a uniform sole, I do better with this grinder than with a knife.
Una ex communissimis quaestionibus accipio est: "Numquid hic processus vaccam nocebit?" Trimming our hooves is like trimming our nails. There was no pain in the nails or in the hooves. Quod sensus est, structura ungulae interna, quam torulo vitando conamur. Compositio ungulae bovis ungulae humano simillima est, quae ex keratino consistit. Sola differentia est, quod super eos incedunt. The outer hooves don't feel anything, so I can clean them very safely without causing any discomfort. I'm concerned about the internal structure of the foot that the screws can stick through. That's where it gets sensitive. When I get to these points, I have more doubts about the use of my knife.
That black dot you see is a sure sign of a metal puncture. In fact, what you see, anyway, I believe that the steel of the screw itself is oxidized. Very often you will see a nail or screw pass like this. Circulus perfectus delicatus habebis ubi punctura erat. Hanc maculam nigram sequi tenebo donec evanescat aut perveniat dermis. Si in hanc dermis ingreditur, scio forte bonum esse infectio quam nobis agendum est. Autem, operam servabo, stratis sensim removendis efficere ut nullae sint quaestiones.
Basically, I know that this hoof layer is about half an inch thick, so I can use it to gauge how deep I'm going and how far I have to go. Et textura mutatur. Mollior fiet. So when I get close to that derma I can tell. But, fortunately for the girl, the screw did not reach the dermis. Ita modo in plantis calceamentis adhaesit.
Hoc igitur crure bubulo, foramen esse video. Saxa in fovea sentire possum sicut ungula cultro laboro. Quod accidit, cum vaccae extrinsecus in concretum exeunt, illae rupes in plantis calceamenti haerent. Subinde actu permanere laborare et pungere. Is crus eius molestiae signa ostendebat. Cum ergo omnes petras istas invenirem hic, miratus sum quidnam fieret.

You have to understand that a cow weighs 1200 to 1000 pounds, let's say 1000 to 1600 pounds. So you're looking for 250 to 400 pounds per foot. Si ergo habes aliquas rupes cum parvis scopulis intus et in concreto calcare, videre potes eam penetrare et in vola calcei ire. The consistency of a cow's hoof is like the hard rubber tires of a car. Hos lapides inserere non multum ponderis requiritur. Tum, super tempus, constans pressio eas altius et altius in plantam expellet.
The spray I use is called chlorhexidine. It's a preservative. Eo non solum ad lavandos pedes et ab eis obruta tollendos utor, sed etiam ad disinfection, quod dermis penetravit et inficere incipiam. Problemata hic oriri possunt non solum propter lapides. Quod factum est, ut hi lapides parvam aream circa nos separarent propter naturalem bovis reactionem ad plantas solvendas conatum solvere conatur. Igitur laxas quoque cornuum ordines removeri oportet, quae corniculae serratae sunt. This is what I am trying to clean up. Sed idea est tam tutissime removere ut nugas et materias in eo non cumulare et postea aream inficere.
The sander that I use for most of my footwork. Hoc in casu, etiam alterum pedem ad tabulas Flexilis caudices parandas usus sum.
Propositum iuvantis stipitem est laesum pedem humum levare et impedire ne in eo ambulet. I would regularly use salicylic acid body wrap. Hoc facit germina potentiale occidere, praesertim digitos dermatitis quae causant. This is a disease that cows can contract. Si tabes incidit, reapse eam aream apertam tenet et duram stratum dermis evolutionis impedit, ut pateat. Ita quod salicylic acid facit quod occiderit Bacteria et adjuvat tollendum quilibet mortui cutis et quidquid aliud est in est.

In their natural environment, they actually molt. They do not need to be trimmed from people because the hooves have already reached their natural moisture level. As it starts to dry, it flakes off and falls off the foot. Fundum non habent naturalem processus molting. Hoc modo ungula subtus ungulae humida manet et non cadit. Quam ob rem eos angulum naturalem imitari debere.
Now, when it comes to injuries and such, they also heal on their own over time, but it takes longer to do so. Thus, through a process that usually takes two to three months, we can be cured from a week to 10 days. By trimming them, we almost immediately provide comfort. Quam ob rem id facimus.

Post tempus: Dec-05-2022